One Sentence Journal #212


It’s official – I am too fat. After I gave birth to George I gained … 10 kilos! Not during the pregnancy, no – after it!

I enrolled at Geneen Roth. I’ve done something very similar a year before I got married. The result was great and it was effortless and I did hold the weight up until after Henry’s birth.
I am lucky because I don’t gain weight during the pregnancy that stays but I haven’t turned my luck into anything – I just ate as if there would be no tomorrow…

Oh, do you want to do it with me? I paid the fee and I am allowed to have one or many buddies who can do it together with me so we can support each other – so, you are welcomed to join!

7 thoughts on “One Sentence Journal #212

      1. Thank you Katie! I got worried that a lot of people comment positively at the beginning of their retreat or just after reading the book, but couldn’t find anything from people further down the timeline!:-)


  1. I’ve got about 6 kilos over my pre-pregnancy weight that don’t seem to go anywhere… I have never tried any diet – so don’t know if I have the will-power to stick to it, but if it’s not costing you anything, i would join you!


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